Download the sweetalert css and javascript files
Download or get a CDN url for 2 versions of Type: Minified Javascript. · If you want to use sweetalert without internet connection, you should download the sweetAlert CSS and JavaScript files, the add files into your application. Finally, add the scripts into your pages. The download files have provided in my previous post. Best Regards, Candice Zhou. A beautiful replacement for JavaScript's 'alert' Delete important stuff? That doesn't seem like a good idea. Are you sure you want to do that?
) # Custom text for the button # Shows the alert with a button and only closes if the button is pressed sweetify. sweetalert (self. request, 'Title', persistent = True) sweetify. sweetalert (self. request, 'Title', persistent = 'Awesome!') # Custom text for the button. You also can use any other available option that SweetAlert accepts. Download or get a CDN url for 2 versions of bootstrap-sweetalert. As mentioned in the introduction sweetAlert is a replacement for JavaScript's and it's made from a JavaScript file plus a CSS file. There are a few options to download the.
When in the SweetAlert directory, run npm install to install the dependencies. Then run gulp while working to automatically minify the SCSS and JS-files. Keep in mind that SweetAlert uses Browserify in order to compile ES6-files. For easy debugging, make sure you reference the file dist/ instead of SweetAlert introduces some important breaking changes in order to make the library easier to use and more flexible. The most important change is that callback functions have been deprecated in favour of promises, and that you no longer have to import any external CSS file (since the styles are now bundled in Download install. Method 1: Install through bower: $ bower install sweetalert. Method 2: Install through NPM: $ npm install sweetalert. Method 3: Download the sweetAlert CSS and JavaScript files. Download files. Initialize the plugin by referencing the necessary files.