Safari opens csv files instead of downloading them
· Safari won't download CSV files. On OSX Yosemite running Safari when clicking on a link that would normally download and save a CSV file into my Downloads folder, it instead opens in a browser window. The only method is to option click or right click and do "Download Link As " on an existing link. If the user forgets to hold down option, then that Safari opens the file. Even disabling the preference to automatically open "safe" files, Safari still opens them. It also unzip's zip archives. This would be allevieated by providing download support above, since then the proper file dialog behavior from . · Is it possible to fine-tune the "Open safe files after downloading" setting in Safari? For example, to make Safari open files like ".ical" et. al., but not Zip-files. If macOS has no built-in support for this, could a solution be a UNIX script daemon that instantly detects new files in the Downloads directory and opens files with certain.
Select the Start button at the bottom-right. Choose Default programs from the right column. Click the Associate a file type or protocol with a program button. Scroll down and choose file type. Click the Change program button. Select Microsoft Excel from the list of applications. Click OK to use Excel to open CSV files by default. Solved: Chrome downloading file instead of displaying page by Finn Espen Gundersen on June 17th, A lot of developers are experiencing the same problem: while all other browsers display your latest web creation perfectly, Chrome just downloads the script source file - yes, source. Answer (1 of 2): Some PDFs will load in Safari, and some will auto-download. It has nothing to do with how your browser is configured; it has to do with how the website that's delivering the content is configured. For example, if I go to the IRS website and click the link for form W-4, it loads.
The only method is to option click or right click and do "Download Link As " on an existing link. If the user forgets to hold down option, then that Safari opens the file. Even disabling the preference to automatically open "safe" files, Safari still opens them. It also unzip's zip archives. This would be allevieated by providing download support above, since then the proper file dialog behavior from Chome/Firefox would occur. A special download attribute can be used inside of an tag that will tell the browser to download the file instead of navigating to it. The code below will tell the browser to prompt the user to save the file. The addition of the “download” tag will force a file download dialog box to appear when the link to the file is clicked. Follow these steps when you are presented with the raw data on your screen: Right-click on the page Safari has opened, and click Save Page As. Another prompt will show up, allowing you to choose the file name and where you wish to save the file. In the next prompt, change Format to Page Source. You will notice the file extension in the file name line changed