Ps4 pro rest mode did not download

As long as my PS4 is in rest mode overnight, all system updates and game updates will download around am EST. There are times I'll get home from work later in the afternoon and when I boot up the PS4 it will show updates that downloaded at 5am that morning.  · Been having an issue with rest mode on the Pro that when I try to turn it on (from rest mode), the system turns off. Then I have to press the power button on the system and it loads as if it wasn't turned off properly. It has happened at least 5 out of 10 times or so already. I rebuilt the database just in case, but it didn't work. I never had a problem with it for years but the last few months it will not download or update while in rest mode. 2. level 1. under_the_boab_tree. · 3y. Another thing to consider - of have an ext hd connected and downloading update files to it, make sure "supply power to USB ports" is set to always and not 3hrs.

User Info: 95_Eclipse. 95_Eclipse 6 years ago # My friend had to reset his ps4 to factory defaults losing all of his data in the process because of his ps4 being unplugged in standby. Its rare, but if the ps4 is doing anything at all when you unplug it, you risk data loss. Favorite game to date - Xenogears \/-/-/-/\. The Witcher 3 now supports PS4 Pro, increasing the native resolution to p via checkerboarding while in its 4K output mode. Thankfully this also benefits those on p screens - where super. Been having this odd issue with the PS4 Pro. I put it into rest mode via controller. Later when I turn it on, it occasionally will fail function properly. I would say 10% of the time it does this. Other times it works fine. When it fails, the PS4 would turn on with flashing white lights.

I've got out for dinner and left my ps4 on 'rest' mode to download the 5 gb patch for lords of the fallen -_- fingers crossed it'll turn back on without any problems as I don't really use the rest. Ps4 Pro Won't Download In Rest Mode; Psn Download Queue Reset; I was wondering if someone could explain why the Playstation store's auto download never works correctly for me. I've pre ordered 3 games on PSN for conveniences sake in the last year, and each one of those times the auto download option I selected for pre load did not work correctly. Rest Mode is one of the handiest features of the PlayStation 4. Instead of powering down completely, your console just goes into a low-power sleep mode (like your laptop does when it hibernates). This means that it’s quicker to start up, can charge the controller, and best of all, can download updates and games from the PlayStation 4.


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