How to download a secure browser for online testing

 · Under NWEA Secure Browser App, select the download link for PC or Mac. If you do not have a MARC login: Navigate to the Technical Resources page in NWEA Connection. Under Downloads, find the link to the appropriate version. Click PC Secure Browser or Mac Secure Browser to download the installer to your computer. Click the Download Browser link above. A dialog window opens. If prompted for a download location, select the desktop. Open Downloads from the Dock, and double-click to display its contents. Drag the CBSecureBrowser icon to Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins. The secure browsers for desktop systems (Windows and Mac) install by running the installers listed below. After installation, click the desktop icon to access the STAAR Online Testing Platform. The secure browsers for other platforms can only be accessed through applications that are available in their respective stores.

Secure Browsers; Secure Browsers. Secure Browser Downloads Secure Browser System Requirements. Choose an Operating System. Find More. Testing Calendar Announcements Advanced Search. Home; Assessments. Interim Smarter Balanced ELA and Math Assessments; Summative Smarter Balanced ELA and Math Assessments; Washington Comprehensive Assessment. Respondus LockDown Browser is an online proctoring software that is used in the education field to monitor students while they take tests. A free trial is students and teachers will need to download the app to use the program to take exams online and to review test results. To find out what version you have installed, see How to download, install, or update NWEA Secure Testing Browser for Mac or Windows. Windows: Version (released June ).

Secure Exam Browser for Online Assessments This Secure Exam Browser is designed to help ensure the integrity and safety of an online assessment. By using the secure browser, the genuine test takers get the benefit of being fairly rewarded for their efforts and performance. The Secure Profile is a configuration profile that can be used to configure Mac workstations for online testing. It can be downloaded from the link above and must be installed, along with the Secure Browser, before testing begins. The Secure Profile was last updated for Spring The secure browsers for desktop systems (Windows and Mac) install by running the installers listed below. After installation, click the desktop icon to access the STAAR Online Testing Platform. The secure browsers for other platforms can only be accessed through applications that are available in their respective stores.


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